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Thread: Launch Satisfaction Survey Going Out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Launch Satisfaction Survey Going Out

    This coming week, we'll be sending active customers a survey to get some information about their experience with VOIPo service during our launch.

    We had some pretty incredible growth during the launch. As most of you know, I was an executive at a another VoIP provider through 2006. I'm happy to say that during the VOIPo launch, we signed up more customers in the first month than we did in the first year at the other service. Thank you to all of you that were a part of making that happen.

    Now everyday for the last week or so, our sales have been 7-10x what they were then.

    With this kind of growth, we know there will be issues and growing pains that come up that can be overlooked due to the speed at which things are moving. So we'd like to make sure we're not missing anything while focusing on the big picture.

    The survey has been designed to be somewhat free-free so we can get useful feedback (both good and bad) rather than just some statistical data with ratings, etc.

    This survey will be anonymous and we'd appreciate it if you took the time to complete it and provide any feedback you have for us so we can see where we're at and work any needed changes or potential enhancments into our plans for the new year.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Launch Satisfaction Survey Going Out

    Did this get sent out? Just curious...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Launch Satisfaction Survey Going Out

    Not yet, but it should by the end of the week.

    It got put on the backburner due to the registration issues we had going on at the time.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook


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