How do you reset from the phone's keypad?
How do you reset from the phone's keypad?
Using VOIPo services since February 2007
Beta Tested the VOIPo Reseller Plan.
A happy VOIPo Residential Customer
Using VoIP devices since 12-2002
Companies I've tried
iConnectHere|Vonage|BroadvoxDirect|Vonage|Packet8| VOIPo
VOIPo is a keeper!
its a shame that the service is down soo many times -- either due to "lack of communication" or "Defective GT502" or "latency" or whatever... for the end user... .these are all fancy terms............. the system should be designed to take care of issues like these. thats what service is all about. for many of us, voipo is the only phone line and for me, it has been the worst so far, with soo many downtimes.
Its natural for people to be angry at service which is down so often. The expectation set around VOIPO was pretty high -- with 2 YEARS in BETA!!! 2 yrs is a LONG time to iron out issues like this... and when the expectation is not met, ............ anger is natural ---- no amount of anger management would fix this problem.
Not criticizing or defending, but the good part about living in the USA is somewhat of a freedom of choice.
As has been posted numerous times over the years, not every service will work for every user...far too many variables, as well as expectations.
After a point, if the service was not to my satisfaction, I would leave. With VOIP it's very easy to do so. Sign up for trial plans with other providers and when you find one that suits you, port your number and that should be it. A few bucks more or less should not be the paramount issue if the VOIP service is your landline.
At any given time, all providers will work or not work for certain people.
I don't think the saga affects everyone the same way.
I've been with VOIPo since beta and with the exception of some occasional burps, I don't get too excited about the problems...and this is my landline and has been for over 4 years now.
I think the support is better than any I have ever encountered in this industry, so when a problem does occur, I know that Tim will explain and support will correct it very quickly...and they are there to do so.
Technical aspects aside, in my case, my Wife is the judge of the service and this is the first VOIP service she hasn't complained about yet.
I dont care if the service goes down in a scheduled manner -- and I am notified well in advance of the downtime... but in most cases, when I really need to make a call... there is this kind of silly stupid reasons for downtime -- which voipo claims to be beyond their control.........., which I feel is not. when you run beta for 2 years, issues like these must have been encountered, lessons learnt... and fixed. There should be redundancy... and failover built in by now (2 years is quite a lot to plan and fix).
At least someone on this forum shares the same opinion with me. I think most of people here are network geeks who like to play around with issues like ones described here (lost registration, disconnection… etc). People seem to get really excited when they get a new game, a new network puzzle to resolve. Which is not a bad thing at all, but this explains why many guys tolerate such unreliable service. Is VOIPo for network geeks? How about the rest of users who just need a reliable and hassle-free service?
I’m just curious. Please, tell me more about this. Let’s say your wife is at home and she can make calls with no problems. But at one point she realizes that she got no incoming calls not because no one calls, but because the service was down since the morning (as far as incoming calls). What is your wife’s reaction? I seriously want to know that. Please, explain.
How do you guys deal with this kind of situations here? Maybe most of you guy use VOIPo for business where you sit by the computer whole day, keep your browser open with VPanel page and watch sonnection status? I’m just trying to understated why many people here don’t’ complain about these issues and how they deal with the service which is so unreliable. And moreover, why there are so many people advocate Tim every time there’s a problem? Is that to keep the network-puzzle game running? If not, what then?
Last edited by stason99; 03-31-2009 at 10:26 AM.