Hello everyone. Very happy customer, great support, communication from Tim, yada, yada....

I am having a very strange problem that I would say is a router issue, but am suprised neither the GS 502 or Linksys PAP2 can handle.

I have everything on my network behind a Linksys WRT54T GS, running Tomato 1.23. I currently have the Linksys PAP2 (from VoIPo) on-line. Using "static" DHCP for all devices on network.

If I lose power to router or reboot, my Voipo service goes down and does not come back. Even a soft reboot does not work AND a "fast" hard reboot does not work (remove power, re-apply power within 1 to 2 seconds).

The only thing that works is to remove power from the PAP2 for ~30+ seconds, re-apply power, and service is restored.

Appears the router / Tomato FW is holding on to state of connections for the IP address even after a soft reboot of the router.


Anyone else using Tomato 1.23 and NOT having this problem? If so, and you are willing to chat (either voice or electronically), can you send me a PM or if you were and made some change that resolved this behavior, please share on this post?
