OK, so I've convinced my parents to switch their landline to VOIPo, and I've begun the process by ordering them a new dry DSL line to their house. I'm a little hesitant to start the order process with VOIPo on their number, however, as I'm concerned I won't be able to contact them from my VOIPo phone to their ATT landline until the porting process is complete, which will probably be several weeks at best! Let me go back and explain the situation.

A month or so ago, I was talking to my dad about VOIP, and was showing him the VOIPo website. I started the order process, and showed him how he can keep his existing number by porting it over to VOIPo (he's had the same phone number for 40 years!). I entered his number into the registration website, but didn't complete the ordering process, as he wasn't ready to do the deed. I see now that the ordering process is all on one page, so it's definitely different now. Anyhow, later, when I tried to call his number from my home phone, I heard a voice that sounds suspiciously like my own voicemail, but reading back his number! I contacted support, and they verified that his number was in their system, and removed it, fixing the problem.

So, I'm sure the same thing will happen again when he places his order with VOIPo - my VOIPo calls to his still active ATT landline number will be immediately routed to a newly setup VOIPo account. Problem is, I can't see any way around this! I'm not thrilled with the idea of having to use a cellphone to call them for several weeks until the port goes through... any suggestions would be welcome!