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Thread: Wahsington DC Network Outage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Wahsington DC Network Outage

    I understand there were problem with the Washington DC center. Presumably, this affects those on east01. And, these users were moved to Dallas. Curious as to what happens if they have softphones connected to east01. Won't they be dead (if Washington is dead; and, if not dead as the followup message says, wont they cause the previously mentioned issue with registrations - not sure if that's been disabled yet, in which case the softphones will be dead - on two different servers)? Instead can't games be played with DNS so that east01 points to Dallas? Or, does that take too long to propagate? Anyway, if reconfiguring the softphones is upto the consumer, this is all the more reason to make the server name visible in the VPanel. C'mon guys considering that you've created a new ATA Preferences menu where you can actually change values, adding a non-modifiable (read-only) label with the server name should be trivial to implement.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Tulsa, Oklahoma

    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    I understand there were problem with the Washington DC center. Presumably, this affects those on east01. And, these users were moved to Dallas. Curious as to what happens if they have softphones connected to east01. Won't they be dead (if Washington is dead; and, if not dead as the followup message says, wont they cause the previously mentioned issue with registrations - not sure if that's been disabled yet, in which case the softphones will be dead - on two different servers)? Instead can't games be played with DNS so that east01 points to Dallas? Or, does that take too long to propagate? Anyway, if reconfiguring the softphones is upto the consumer, this is all the more reason to make the server name visible in the VPanel. C'mon guys considering that you've created a new ATA Preferences menu where you can actually change values, adding a non-modifiable (read-only) label with the server name should be trivial to implement.
    This is a valid question for sure. I think for the time being I will just turn X-Lite off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    I am wondering if there are lingering issues as outgoing calls work but incoming calls just were going to my network down forwarding number.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Quote Originally Posted by ptrowski View Post
    I am wondering if there are lingering issues as outgoing calls work but incoming calls just were going to my network down forwarding number.
    Everything's smooth with support being basically dead with almost nothing coming in all day.

    I don't remember for sure, but I think there were always issues with Dallas for you, right?

    I went ahead and moved you back to DC. Your ATA will pick up the change on the next provisioning cycle or reboot. See if that clears things up for you.

    We'll be moving everyone that was originally on it back later today.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Quote Originally Posted by VOIPoTim View Post
    We'll be moving everyone that was originally on it back later today.
    Can you please post back here or in the announcements thread when this is done?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Can you please post back here or in the announcements thread when this is done?
    Sure, it's already done.

    It was done around 3PM Central. Anyone who was on the DC node before should be back on it.

    All this should be transparent to users.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    I understand there were problem with the Washington DC center. Presumably, this affects those on east01. And, these users were moved to Dallas. Curious as to what happens if they have softphones connected to east01. Won't they be dead (if Washington is dead; and, if not dead as the followup message says, wont they cause the previously mentioned issue with registrations - not sure if that's been disabled yet, in which case the softphones will be dead - on two different servers)? Instead can't games be played with DNS so that east01 points to Dallas? Or, does that take too long to propagate? Anyway, if reconfiguring the softphones is upto the consumer, this is all the more reason to make the server name visible in the VPanel. C'mon guys considering that you've created a new ATA Preferences menu where you can actually change values, adding a non-modifiable (read-only) label with the server name should be trivial to implement.
    I wish it were that simple, but from a logistics standpoint, it's not.

    We can look at adding some kind of server indication, but it's not really as simple as just throwing it up in vPanel based on past experiences.

    What happens is people see East01 or Central01 or something and some immediately assume they should be connected to another server since it may be closer to them. Then we have angry people wanting to be moved around for no reason and really can't use any kind of automated balancing since users will be upset if they're moved even if there is no legitimate reason for it to happen.

    In general, their preference will likely be where we end up putting them anyway, but we have to have flexibility to do what we need to do to balance things out and make changes along the way.

    For the time being, we've put a fix in to prevent the looping from registering on multiple servers so softphone users should be fine.

    We're also in the process of rolling out a new procedure for handling softphones and grandfathered BYOD users in which they have a 2nd set of SIP credentials and are completely isolated from the other SIP servers. We want to wait until this is done before getting into a lot of info about SIP credentials.

    I know for most users it wouldn't turn into a problem, but from past experience, we've learned that if we give users too much information, it will cause huge support issues (such as users being confused with a device expires time listed). We don't want it to turn into a game of users wanting to be on specific servers unless they have legitimate problems.

    Another similar example....right now we have some users that sniff packets to see how their audio is routed and demand that it's routed closer to them or in a different way even if they're not having issues.

    We move users around regularly as needed to balance things, but this one was unique since it was a mass move of out DC. We do have the ability to force things for certain users, but want to leave that as a support option if we feel that it'll resolve an issue instead of it being a user-initiated change.

    Ultimately, we need to find the right balance with giving advanced users enough information without it turning into a support nightmare, debating which server is better on forums, etc.
    Last edited by VOIPoTim; 05-09-2009 at 06:07 PM.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Sounds great Tim. Thanks for the updates.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    Tim, based on your comments, this may not even apply, but would it make sense to have a section in vPanel with softphone information, and to have a server to use for connection information (possibly an alias, like server01, etc that is pointing to east01, central01, etc) dynamically display? That way, it would look like this is just how to use the softphone and hopefully wouldn't cause confusion about not being on the closest servers.

    Quote Originally Posted by VOIPoTim View Post
    I wish it were that simple, but from a logistics standpoint, it's not.

    We can look at adding some kind of server indication, but it's not really as simple as just throwing it up in vPanel based on past experiences.

    What happens is people see East01 or Central01 or something and some immediately assume they should be connected to another server since it may be closer to them. Then we have angry people wanting to be moved around for no reason and really can't use any kind of automated balancing since users will be upset if they're moved even if there is no legitimate reason for it to happen.

    In general, their preference will likely be where we end up putting them anyway, but we have to have flexibility to do what we need to do to balance things out and make changes along the way.

    For the time being, we've put a fix in to prevent the looping from registering on multiple servers so softphone users should be fine.

    We're also in the process of rolling out a new procedure for handling softphones and grandfathered BYOD users in which they have a 2nd set of SIP credentials and are completely isolated from the other SIP servers. We want to wait until this is done before getting into a lot of info about SIP credentials.

    I know for most users it wouldn't turn into a problem, but from past experience, we've learned that if we give users too much information, it will cause huge support issues (such as users being confused with a device expires time listed). We don't want it to turn into a game of users wanting to be on specific servers unless they have legitimate problems.

    Another similar example....right now we have some users that sniff packets to see how their audio is routed and demand that it's routed closer to them or in a different way even if they're not having issues.

    We move users around regularly as needed to balance things, but this one was unique since it was a mass move of out DC. We do have the ability to force things for certain users, but want to leave that as a support option if we feel that it'll resolve an issue instead of it being a user-initiated change.

    Ultimately, we need to find the right balance with giving advanced users enough information without it turning into a support nightmare, debating which server is better on forums, etc.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Wahsington DC Network Outage

    I appreciate your long and detailed response to my post, Tim. I do see your point about a certain section of your users trying to aim for the closest server (I guess I'm guilty of that too, as I requested to be assigned to a certain server within the first few days) and this becoming a support burden and especially in hte context of dynamic load balancing more difficult

    Anyway, I'm glad that the the looping issue has been addressed ... as I have a vested interest in softphones at the present time. I have a child who will be spending about 2-3 months volunteering in Central America and I was planning on installing a softphone on her laptop - not sure what kind of Internet connection she'll have. At this moment, I'm not sure I want the softphone to "register" as I don't want our calls also ringing on her laptop (if connected) so the looping issue may be irrelevant in this case.

    Which reminds me ... should I open a ticket for the record, so that you guys don't freak out if you find "domestic" calls with my credentials originating in Central America over the summer? Is there some way to "notate" my account to that effect?


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