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Thread: Calls completing but no audio

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Chandler, AZ

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    I've hesitated to post here since up until yesterday my problem was being worked on.

    It seems that is no longer the case. I've had three separate tickets opened on this issue, the latest being EEZ-978027. I was told that a network trace was being set up two days ago, and to notify support if the problem happened again. When it did, I was asked to run a tracert the next time it occurred. When it happened again yesterday morning I ran the tracert as requested. I have heard nothing back even though I've sent three emails asking for an update on the problem.

    What occurs is that an incoming call will ring, I answer the call and either get dead air, a fast busy signal, or a dial tone. The caller will hear either dead air, or a message that the number is no longer in service. If the caller attempts to redial my number, the call normally completes successfully on the third attempt.

    With the Grandstream ATA I experienced the re-registration problems and it was replaced by the PAP2T. With the Grandstream in front of my Netgear router I never had an incoming call problem. I've asked if I should replace my router wondering if it could be the problem. So far, I've received no reply. I really would like to get this service working dependably.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    Quote Originally Posted by GPM View Post
    I've hesitated to post here since up until yesterday my problem was being worked on.

    It seems that is no longer the case. I've had three separate tickets opened on this issue, the latest being EEZ-978027. I was told that a network trace was being set up two days ago, and to notify support if the problem happened again. When it did, I was asked to run a tracert the next time it occurred. When it happened again yesterday morning I ran the tracert as requested. I have heard nothing back even though I've sent three emails asking for an update on the problem.

    What occurs is that an incoming call will ring, I answer the call and either get dead air, a fast busy signal, or a dial tone. The caller will hear either dead air, or a message that the number is no longer in service. If the caller attempts to redial my number, the call normally completes successfully on the third attempt.

    With the Grandstream ATA I experienced the re-registration problems and it was replaced by the PAP2T. With the Grandstream in front of my Netgear router I never had an incoming call problem. I've asked if I should replace my router wondering if it could be the problem. So far, I've received no reply. I really would like to get this service working dependably.
    Have you considered putting the PAP2T in the DMZ of the router? If all works well in the DMZ it would be (I'm sure) very enlightening.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    Quote Originally Posted by GPM View Post
    I've hesitated to post here since up until yesterday my problem was being worked on.

    It seems that is no longer the case. I've had three separate tickets opened on this issue, the latest being EEZ-978027. I was told that a network trace was being set up two days ago, and to notify support if the problem happened again. When it did, I was asked to run a tracert the next time it occurred. When it happened again yesterday morning I ran the tracert as requested. I have heard nothing back even though I've sent three emails asking for an update on the problem.

    What occurs is that an incoming call will ring, I answer the call and either get dead air, a fast busy signal, or a dial tone. The caller will hear either dead air, or a message that the number is no longer in service. If the caller attempts to redial my number, the call normally completes successfully on the third attempt.

    With the Grandstream ATA I experienced the re-registration problems and it was replaced by the PAP2T. With the Grandstream in front of my Netgear router I never had an incoming call problem. I've asked if I should replace my router wondering if it could be the problem. So far, I've received no reply. I really would like to get this service working dependably.
    We have had some cases lately where some reps bumped things to Tier II without port forwarding, etc being done so Tier II bumps it back. We're working on streamlining this so that nothing at all gets to Tier II without a checklist being completed of common things such as port forwarding, DMZ, etc.

    If Tier II can't find any system issues or things wrong with the account (which is what the ticket says right now), it's likely just the router not allowing the connections through.

    I'll see what I can find for you.
    Last edited by VOIPoTim; 05-20-2009 at 02:57 PM.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Chandler, AZ

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Have you considered putting the PAP2T in the DMZ of the router? If all works well in the DMZ it would be (I'm sure) very enlightening.
    I tried that briefly and had one call fail with the same symptoms. I have had the ports forwarded as requested since the problem first occurred. I will move it back into the DMZ and leave it there for awhile.

    If the problem is the Netgear router, I'm fine with replacing it. Since the ATA is a Linksys device I was thinking of getting a Linksys router. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    Quote Originally Posted by GPM View Post
    I tried that briefly and had one call fail with the same symptoms. I have had the ports forwarded as requested since the problem first occurred. I will move it back into the DMZ and leave it there for awhile.

    If the problem is the Netgear router, I'm fine with replacing it. Since the ATA is a Linksys device I was thinking of getting a Linksys router. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    One really quick thing you could do is connect the device directly to your modem. Be sure to reboot the modem and then the device too.

    Obviously you can't leave it like that forever, but by doing this you can test it to see if your issue goes away and confirm that it's the router.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  6. #36
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    Chandler, AZ

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    I tried that during one of the trouble shooting sessions with one of your technicians. A couple of test calls completed just fine.

    But, since this problem doesn't happen with all calls, I don't know how to tell if the removing the router really fixed the issue. And, as you note, I can't leave it there indefinitely.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio


    A friend of mine had problems with the old Netgear router. I think it was WGR 624. Even when we turned off the firewall, it would not work. He finally got a newer Netgear router.

    You could try the new setting "Use VOIPo Network for Audio" to send the data through VOIPo network always. This will fix the audio problems if the the router is the problem.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Chandler, AZ

    Default Re: Calls completing but no audio

    Thanks for the suggestion. Brandon called and has been working on the problem. Who says whining doesn't work?

    It appears the problem is 'upstream' and Brandon has submitted a ticket to correct. Not being anywhere near as fluent in this stuff as most of you, I really have no idea what 'upstream' is, but if it fixes my problem, great.

    Also, thanks to Brandon for jumping on the problem.


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