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Thread: Stun

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Stun

    I've been having a few phone issues that look to me like NAT or other LAN problems. The symptoms include a long wait before ringing starts, some calls that dropped the moment I picked up, a fair number of blocked outbound ICMP (type 3) packets -- "destination unreachable," I think -- and others. Much of this is fairly random.

    Any problem with my enabling the STUN setting in vPanel to see whether the service improves? I run other adapters, and all do pretty well with STUN, even where the provider would normally provision with an outbound proxy server.

    Since this setting, unlike others, is user configurable within vPanel, I assume I am free to try it. But I wanted to check first regarding the experiences of others.

  2. #2
    VOIPoJustin Guest

    Default Re: Stun

    No real harm -- go ahead and try it, and let us know if things don't clear up for you.

    On some network structures it definitely helps to iron out routing confusion/issues.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Stun

    It's too early to see an effect on the connection, but I can report one thing that has changed: under the "devices" tab in vPanel, the "Contact" listings previously gave my sip address as sip:number@192.168.xx.xx, i.e., my private IP address, whereas now it shows my public IP address. I don't know whether that's important, but at least now the adapter is identifying itself correctly to vPanel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Kitsap County, WA.

    Default Re: Stun

    Thats expected behavior.
    I Void Warranties.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Default Re: Stun

    Quote Originally Posted by chpalmer View Post
    Thats expected behavior.
    Thanks. I wondered about that.

    I'm still getting blocked outbound ICMP packets (type 3), but they are pretty minimal now. They are almost exactly once per hour to the VOIPo DNS server. I don't understand why my router is blocking them or why they are going out in the first place, but with this frequency, I can't imagine there is anything to worry about.

    I still haven't had a chance to test with actual calls.


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