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Thread: 3 day review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default 3 day review

    Figured I would post my review after using the service for 3 days. I would first like to say the audio quality is excellent, when it works. Unfortunately, the service doesn't appear to work all that often. I have been plagued with issues trying to do anything via the HT502 adapter. First started out with issues dialing without area code/random audio issues that wouldn't resolve until the device was rebooted to a device now that just stops working within an hour of being power cycled. I have been going back and forth with tech support for 2 days and I feel we are no closer to a solution. It seems we are just doing the same steps over and over again. (YES! The ports are forwarded) Maybe the issues with the lack of solution is partially my fault, maybe I should only deal with one issue at a time (had 3 issues in the initial ticket, one resolved, two not). I really hope things get better because I have heard such great things about this company, but I am definitely not feeling it. I'll post a follow-up review when I can actually use the service a little more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: 3 day review

    Quote Originally Posted by epsol View Post
    Figured I would post my review after using the service for 3 days. I would first like to say the audio quality is excellent, when it works. Unfortunately, the service doesn't appear to work all that often. I have been plagued with issues trying to do anything via the HT502 adapter. First started out with issues dialing without area code/random audio issues that wouldn't resolve until the device was rebooted to a device now that just stops working within an hour of being power cycled. I have been going back and forth with tech support for 2 days and I feel we are no closer to a solution. It seems we are just doing the same steps over and over again. (YES! The ports are forwarded) Maybe the issues with the lack of solution is partially my fault, maybe I should only deal with one issue at a time (had 3 issues in the initial ticket, one resolved, two not). I really hope things get better because I have heard such great things about this company, but I am definitely not feeling it. I'll post a follow-up review when I can actually use the service a little more.
    If you're not working with TS over the weekend ... try putting the HT502 next to your broadband modem (assuming it's not also acting as a router) and see if all works fine. If yes, the evidence points at your router.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review


    thanks for the advice, but I did already try it outside of the router and I still had the same issues, PLUS it killed the speed of my internet from its 25mbps to barely 2mbps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: 3 day review

    Quote Originally Posted by epsol View Post

    thanks for the advice, but I did already try it outside of the router and I still had the same issues, PLUS it killed the speed of my internet from its 25mbps to barely 2mbps
    I was not intending for that to be a permanent solution - just to determine if your router was the issue (eliminating a variable).

    Curious as to what kind of broadband service you have? Is the router you use standalone or built into the broadband modem? Or, do you have both?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review

    its a stand alone cable modem(ambit) and I have an asus router running dd-wrt... though as of now, the VOIP adapter is so unstable, I can't get much testing done because it completely locks up and won't respond to its little internal web server. I can ususally log into it, but then it quits responding to both the web interface and pings

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review

    I'm a new customer with the HT502. Working fine. Initially I connected it to be a router and go between my existing router and my cable modem - double NAT. It worked fine, but it lacks DYNDNS support. And I'm uncomfortable with its WAN port exposed to the Internet, even though VoIPo is letting me set my own HT502 password for router configs (not SIP configs).

    So I moved it to the LAN side of my router. I haven't stressed the router to see if I need to use a QoS capable router. But given I don't run file transfers in the background, it is doing fine with concurrent steaming down at 1Mbps of video.

    It was plug-and-play, fiddling with settings is optional. No port forwarding for VoIP needed.

    Router: Linksys WRH54G.

    Cable modem: 15Mbps down, 1Mbps up.
    Last edited by stevech; 03-26-2010 at 09:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review

    yah I wish it was that easy for me. At first it was working well (except I had to use the areacode to dial numbers, even if they were local) .. for about 5 hours.... then the audio issues start up and the VOIP adapter started to freeze up... now its constant that the device will freeze up within an hour, requiring a power cycle to get it to start responding again. So as of now, I'm just using x-lite because it works without any issues, but I do not see that as a solution to the issue
    Last edited by epsol; 03-26-2010 at 09:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review

    Well I did some more tinkering and I think I finally figured it out! What I thought were lock-ups in fact were not. It looks like the pins on the WAN port are pressed quite a bit lower then they should be and it wasn't making a good contact and the device kept dropping, but it was enough to keep the ACT light on. I tried a different network cable and the whole shebang. Finally I came up with this solution:

    Its been connected for 75 minutes and no hiccups so far. I also want to thank all the people via the forum who tried to help out, it was appreciated and nice to know there is a community here that is willing to assist in issues.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: 3 day review

    Nice solution. I laughed when I saw that. At least now people will know what to do if their's is not working...shove some toothpicks into the ports


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