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Thread: Putting heat on Comcast and AT&T?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Putting heat on Comcast and AT&T?

    Ok, I'm curious, does anyone run into resistance from people who don't want to lose their "bundle" discount? I wonder how we can counter that.

    Think about it like this. If a power company said, "hey, we'll give you a discounted rate on electricity, as long as you buy your appliances (that use electricity) from us. But if you buy your appliances from someone else, we're going to charge you a higher rate for electricity."

    Or what if a company that made operating systems included a web browser to cut other web browser companies out of the market?

    They key is, dependency. If a product is dependant upon a virtual monopoly like electrical service or broadband internet, I think there is a problem if the monopoly doesn't offer a level playing field.

    So I talked to my attorney and he suggested filing a complaint with the State Attorney General's office. I wonder if we should all band together and complain to the state about unfair trade practices. If customers could get cable or dsl internet for the same rates, our voip services would be even more attractive than they already are.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Putting heat on Comcast and AT&T?

    That is a good thought but could be costly another thought is that some ISP's allow you to resell their service. So you could look at offering packages as well. But I fully agree these bundle prices make it hard to get customers. The other issue I find is many people just use their cell phones these days and don't need home phone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Putting heat on Comcast and AT&T?

    At least if the state attorney general goes after them, it would be taxpayer money paying the bill. I haven't heard back from their office yet. I'll post an update if/when I do.

    Has anyone found any cost effective ISP reseller programs? There don't seem to be any, other than T1's and sDSL. I'd love to be able to resell Comcast.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Putting heat on Comcast and AT&T?

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenLantern View Post
    At least if the state attorney general goes after them, it would be taxpayer money paying the bill. I haven't heard back from their office yet. I'll post an update if/when I do.

    Has anyone found any cost effective ISP reseller programs? There don't seem to be any, other than T1's and sDSL. I'd love to be able to resell Comcast.
    i agree i have had a hard time finding a resellers program for isp..well most want a few hundred dollars a month. google .......resell internet..,then bing it and yahoo...youll find everyone on the net ...good luck.


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