Ok here is my situation and I need to validate this.

I have more phone lines than the phone company itself but I need someone to give me some advice - even Tim can weigh in on this.

From my AT&T CallVantage line, when I call AT&T Subscribers or Verizon etc.
The callers see my real name Robert (Lastname)
When I call Viatalk Subscribers, Comcast subscribers their caller ID says
"Dwight Williams" who was the previous owner of that phone number.

So now my question is: I wonder what my caller ID says when I call a Voipo person (don't have my new adapter yet to test incoming) and if it says Dwight Williams - how do I go about getting that corrected?

I already reported it to AT&T today but was just curious if someone else can shed light on how those carriers can get their databases or the one they pull from updated.


A.K.A. Dwight Williams