Re: Switched from Vonage and my troubles started
Let me explain something about ports. There are 65535 ports. However; that's for EACH IP address. Where conflicts arise is in the inbound, whereby you are trying to port forward. If you have a lot of devices that you are trying to work on your network; such as a server, camera, and other things, the easiest and best way to solve all your problems is to buy multiple static IP addresses. Then, ports don't matter. If each device has a different IP address, they can all use the same ports. But in the "Poor Man's" world of the internet, we use NAT. We take 1 IP address, a router, and try and get a lot of things working on it.
The other thing is; VoipO doesn't use all the ports between 5004-65000. But their ports are dynamic, so you don't quite which ports are going to be used for the voice packets until it happens. Personally, where most problems come from with Voip and Ports, are people who insist on using the Firewall features of their router; and Static Packet Inspection. (SPI). I recommend leaving them totally OFF. If you are really insistent on using them instead of individual software solutions, simply use 2 separate routers. I.e. Have 1 typical router with built in 4 port switch. Hook that to your internet modem. One LAN port connect to your VOIP adapter. The 2nd port, connect to a 2nd router. In that router, you can do all the firewalling, SPI, Port Forwarding, etc... that you want. On the first router, forward a Port RANGE of 5004-65000 to the voip adapter. Ports 1-5003 and 65001-65535 forward to the 2nd Ip address that's feeding the 2nd router. Then, in the 2nd router, port forward the individual ports to the devices you have using it.
I personally prefer to protect my individual devices instead of having one router try and protect the entire network. But I have used multiple routers before. If you know how to route properly, you can definitely do it. Think about all the routers you have to go through in order to get to a server on the internet. Probably no less than 4-5. Anyway; just a suggestion.
"Born Wild - Raised Proud"
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