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Thread: Anyone else with sip problems again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Anyone else with sip problems again?

    Ever since I switched over to the routing my service has been rock solid. However I have noticed a few times over the past week there have been some connection and latency issues. Today I have been unable to use the service for at least the last hour. I have another provider I use on the same device and it is rock solid so it is not an issue on my end.

    Just wondering if there were others out there with sip problems?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Anyone else with sip problems again?

    Yep, same thing going on here. I wonder why Voipo has been having service issues so much lately.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Anyone else with sip problems again?

    Quote Originally Posted by wingsohot View Post
    Yep, same thing going on here. I wonder why Voipo has been having service issues so much lately.
    My guess is something to do with keeping service working with IPv6 or carriers only going IP444

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Houston suburb

    Default Re: Anyone else with sip problems again?

    Quote Originally Posted by stenger View Post
    Ever since I switched over to the routing my service has been rock solid. However I have noticed a few times over the past week there have been some connection and latency issues. Today I have been unable to use the service for at least the last hour. I have another provider I use on the same device and it is rock solid so it is not an issue on my end.

    Just wondering if there were others out there with sip problems?
    My father who is on the BYOD server hasn't reported any issues lately, but was likely not using the service at the time in question. It sounds like problems are starting to crop up again at the Dallas datacenter.......hopefully Brandon will see this thread and take another hard look at the issue. They probably don't monitor loss of registration issues that closely on the BYOD server simply because people jump off/on all the time with softphones, smartphone apps, etc. I guarantee you a massive drop of registrations on SIP Central or SIP East would sure get their attention quickly.

    That's why I sure would like to move my father off the BYOD server. Simply for better reliability. I would gladly pay Voipo a reasonable one-time fee for him to obtain the SIP credentials for their main servers. I can tell you that BYOD on SIP Central has been rock solid for registrations issues whatsoever.


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