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Thread: BYOD registration issues causing incoming calls to fail

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Houston suburb

    Default BYOD registration issues causing incoming calls to fail

    FYI: For those having recent unexplained incoming calls failing or going to failover, it seems Voipo is having registration issues again with the SIP servers on sip and sip7. ATA registration time interval settings are somehow getting out of time sync with the SIP server registration intervals. These premature registration expirations can vary from several seconds to well over a 1 minute depending upon the ATA registration setting. Currently, I'm able to circumvent the issue on BYOD sip by setting the registration time interval on the ATA to something less than 4 minutes. I would avoid BYOD sip7 for now, as it was still having the problems as of yesterday. I've confirmed that my BYOD SIP phone registered on sip-central01 for their provisioned users is not exhibiting this issue.

    For further reference, you can read the recent posts over in the Reseller forum......
    Last edited by tritch; 04-10-2018 at 12:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Houston suburb

    Default Re: BYOD registration issues causing incoming calls to fail

    FYI...just checked again today, sip7 premature registration expiration issues still remain. I would completely avoid this server, as it is still causing intermittent failover problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: BYOD registration issues causing incoming calls to fail

    What I've seen in the past, is their server time clocks get out of sync. So on their side, the registration expires early, like you said, by as much as a minute or more. Then your device re-registers, and all is well for a few minutes, until early expiration happens again.

    The Grandstream ATAs sold by Voipo have a setting that allows them to re-register early. That helps avoid that little gap of downtime. But many BYOD devices do not have that setting available. So they rely on accurate clocks.

    I'd suggest opening a ticket, to have support check their server clocks, and sync them if necessary.

    Also check time on your own devices, and sync them if necessary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Houston suburb

    Default Re: BYOD registration issues causing incoming calls to fail

    Thanks, I was already aware of the issue....

    As I've stated with Tim in other past threads, their lack of oversight on and is severely lacking and not acceptable to me anymore. It's not worth the effort to open anymore support tickets concerning these servers.

    Why hasn't sip7 been fixed? Where's the oversight? What's the excuse for letting this issue languish on and on? Why wasn't Voipo able to detect the issue? Why are end users having to diagnose what's wrong for them? It still has out of sync clock registration issues as of today causing erratic failover. It's completely unreliable for calls.

    Honestly, if the resellers have to use these servers I don't know how you put up with them.

    I'm BYOD on sip-central01 and see zero issues. Voipo only seems to care about their SIP servers for provisioned users. If they saw the registration expiration issue on sip-central01 like what's occurring on sip7, they'd be all over it like a hot potato. To be fair to Voipo, their provisioned user base is their main customer focus, not BYOD users.

    Current problem on
    1) Out of sync clock registration server issue causing premature expirations resulting in constant periodic failover calls

    Never been fixed.

    Current problems on
    1) Custom caller ID stopped working on Voipo-to-Voipo calls some time ago...never fixed (it works on sip7, but not this server)
    2) Constant problems every few months of calls failing to work properly
    3) As of today, Voipo-to-Voipo calls just suddenly stopped working to my father's voipo number this week and go straight to Voipo voicemail (no problem on sip7, but fails on this server)

    I've got a ticket opened on this recent issue #CAX-405-35379, but as usual they immediately think it's our problem not theirs. Huh?? it's my problem now even though it was working fine before.

    Issue after issue after issue with these servers and unfortunately they seem to always blame your BYOD instead of a problem on their side.

    As of today, I'm fed up with it all. I will have my father put the old provisioned Linksys ATA that Voipo sent him 9 years ago back on line....sip-central01 works fine.

    I'm done with these BYOD servers.....

    As I predicted, once his provisioned ATA was back on sip-central01 all is OK and custom caller ID started working again. IMO, sip-central01 is the only server that can be trusted for reliable service and features to work properly.
    Last edited by tritch; 01-04-2019 at 08:15 PM.


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