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Thread: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Irvine CA

    Default Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    Some of you may have noticed this on Friday, but if you haven't you know now.

    We've upgraded our "Send Fax" feature for all users and replaced it with an entirely re-engineered system.

    The two biggest complaints we were seeing about the old one was a lack of confirmation to know whether the fax went through or not and the lack of the ability to set the "From Number" on the fax.

    Both of those have been addressed with this update.

    1) When sending, you now specify an e-mail to send confirmation e-mails to. You'll get a message confirming that your document was accepted for sending and another confirming the number of pages successfully sent.

    2) You can now select any number within your account (voice or fax) to show in the from header on your outgoing faxes.

    As I've said in the past, this type of fax service is very sticky patent wise chiefly with J2 (eFax people) and Catch Curve aggressively pursuing anyone who offers this type of service so we are somewhat limited in what we can do. As this situation changes, we have a lot of additional improvements we'd like to make to this.

    One thing to note is that we do need to add in support for additional document formats soon (which we will) in this new system. It currently supports PDF and TIFF whereas the outsourced one we had previously supported more formats. We'll be adding a convertor in soon.

    Please try this out and let us know if you have issues. Since it is in-house now, we have more control over it.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    As I indicated in another thread, an old virtual number I deleted a few weeks back appears in my "send from" field. No big deal, just a bug though.

  3. #3
    VOIPoRay Guest

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    this bug should be fixed now... we spent a little time today going over different assign/unassign functions...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    I don't believe the fax(es) I sent from the Residential account that I mentioned in ever did show up. Only the ones from the Express account.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    I've used the fax feature to send and receive with no problems. Confirmations came through quickly for both send/receive. A fax log would be a nice feature to possibly add in the feature if possible. Otherwise, i'm very happy with the service.
    Joseph Ruley

  6. #6

    Default Re: Send Fax suggestion

    Upon using "Send Fax" from MyAccount to send an outgoing fax, the message "Your fax has been submitted for processing!" appears in red. However, on returning to the "Send Fax" page during the same log-in session, the message is still there. So, when I send a second fax I cannot tell if it was actually processed (until I get the confirmatory email). Not a major crisis, but annoying nevertheless.

    Meanwhile, attempts to fax a short PDF file to my office PSTN fax machine, to my Fax DID and to my FreeDigits Fax DID (which is working when I send a fax from my office PSTN fax machine) all get the appropriate "Your fax has been submitted for processing!" message followed by "Fax Queued Successfully" email and the "Fax Result" email. However, the Fax Result is still "Sent 0 pages to xxxxxxxxxx".

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    [I'll submit a copy of this post as a TroubleTicket.]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    As far as I can tell, Faxes sent Friday must not have been delivered since I received no confirmation emails; maybe I only imagined doing it! I'm sure I had the red "Your fax has been submitted for processing!". But no way to check or confirm in the account Vpanel. Thankfully, I was able to email the documents.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number

    Well, at least for faxes from the Express acount I believe I've found the culpret that prevented me from getting notifications/confirmation to my designated email address.

    Connection from ( deferred by

    reason: Sender domain name does not have MX records - try again later.

    I understand that technically by RFC a domain should be able to receive email without an MX record specified, and does have an A record. However, it is quite common these days for receiving email servers to check for MX records before accepting email traffic to try to validate the authenticity of the sender. Unfortunately, I believe the server software is assuming the _domain_ to be which defines an MX record of (itself) and rightly or wrongly the receiving mail server believes something is fishy.

    I have now whitelisted and for all mail servers, everywhich way I can, but it is a nuisance ;-) I do not know how many different machines are going to be sending email [with no expectation of receiving it], but wouldn't it be simpler for everyone to just have all machines use the domain name with MX record as the outbound From: address? For example, have the system send as instead?

    Sorry, but email systems are a real PITA! :-) Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Jasper, TN

    Default Re: Send Fax Updates - Confirmation, From Number


    ignore a previous reply I sent today in another thread about fax confirmation

    WAY TO GO!!!!!


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