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Thread: Router/GS502 Help!

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    South of Boston

    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Thanks for all of your replies. Although I'm still kind of confused.

    I have the 502 behind my Linksys router, so I'm not using the LAN port on the 502 at all.

    I'm only using the WAN port connected to an open port coming off the router.

    There is no double NAT issue and even if that was a possibility, I set it to Bridge mode anyway.

    What is happening is that yes, the 502 is dynamically assigned an address like All is well until the router decides to refresh the LAN IP addresses on the network for some reason and then the 502 and one of my computers conflict getting the IP address renewed causing the 502 to go offline and into cycling mode. Then when I statically assign it 103, there is conflict again later as my router tries to assign 103 to something else.

    So as I understand your posts, if I change the static address for the 502 to outside the DHCP range, like (but using the same subnet, then the conflicts should go away, correct?

    If so, I'll try that tonight.

    I still have a question from my first post. What is the benefit of running DHCP on my home network. Couldn't I just turn that off and assign static addresses to all of my devices?

    What are the drawbacks, if any, of not using DHCP?

    Again, thanks for your help!

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Kitsap County, WA.

    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by dswartz View Post
    this is not really double NAT, it's a routing issue. routers can't have two interfaces in the same subnet...
    Yea I know but you would be surprised how many times I get called from friends where this is the issue. And these are guys that build their own.

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  3. #13
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Yes, this should eliminate the issue.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by digger16309 View Post

    I have the 502 behind my Linksys router, so I'm not using the LAN port on the 502 at all.

    I'm only using the WAN port connected to an open port coming off the router.

    There is no double NAT issue and even if that was a possibility, I set it to Bridge mode anyway.

    What is happening is that yes, the 502 is dynamically assigned an address like All is well until the router decides to refresh the LAN IP addresses on the network for some reason and then the 502 and one of my computers conflict getting the IP address renewed causing the 502 to go offline and into cycling mode. Then when I statically assign it 103, there is conflict again later as my router tries to assign 103 to something else.

    So as I understand your posts, if I change the static address for the 502 to outside the DHCP range, like (but using the same subnet, then the conflicts should go away, correct?

    If so, I'll try that tonight.

    I still have a question from my first post. What is the benefit of running DHCP on my home network. Couldn't I just turn that off and assign static addresses to all of my devices?

    What are the drawbacks, if any, of not using DHCP?

    Again, thanks for your help!
    Technically the voip portion of the 502 is on its lan subnet. In its own kind of way though...

    But I see your problem better now after I have had a little sleep in the last hour. (new child yesterday. )

    Yes assign it something else out of the Linksys dhcp range...

    Yes you could turn dhcp off but it would make it more difficult to add devices or computers later. Instead you might change the range to something higher in the subnet. I set mine from xx.xx.1.201 - xx.xx.1.225 and then statically assign everything below that.

    Good Luck. And sorry for my confusion...
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  5. #15
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by chpalmer View Post

    But I see your problem better now after I have had a little sleep in the last hour. (new child yesterday. )
    Congrats. I'm childless and glad I get to sleep as much as I want. Plan for it to stay that way for a while too.
    Timothy Dick

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  6. #16
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!


    Hopefully we will get this ones schedule in the right order a little quicker than his siblings...
    I Void Warranties.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by chpalmer View Post

    Hopefully we will get this ones schedule in the right order a little quicker than his siblings...
    Congrats on the new little guy, and good luck with that (scheduling...)

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    OK - your suggestions did not work, and they did not work because the damn GS502 continues to cycle in a mentally unstable way anytime I make any changes at all. I barely have enough time to put in the password before I can make a change, hit update, and reboot. Then it just cycles until I figure out some new combination to boot everything so it can obtain a dynamically assigned LAN address.

    On reboot I get something similar to this person:

    Quote Originally Posted by 1bird2 View Post
    Setting a static IP does not seem to work for me.

    I log in as Tim mentions. Set IP address to a private IP in my network (NAT'd behind a FW), set subnet, default route and add two public DNS server addresses (my ISP DNS servers)

    I update this info, select "Update". Message returned that values are saved, reboot to take affect. I reboot device remotely. Wait 30 secs and login again.

    THe static IP is set (as I login with the new IP address in the browser), but the DNS entries are gone and all set to I also notice I have lost dial tone and LED on GS is now flashing on / off with red color.

    Log back in to GS. Reset to Dynamic (note, I have reserved an IP for the GS by MAC address), save configuration, reboot GS. Everything works after I do this.
    Basically, I can set the static IP, but then it doesn't have DNS so it is useless.

    I ended up setting a static address to my other devices and leaving my router setup with DHCP to set the 502 dynamically. But I'm not certain that is going to hold when the lease expires (I have it set to maximum - 24 days).

    Again, this is very frustrating. I ended up missing a workout tonight because I was screwing around with this.

    I have now spent more time in 4 days fussing with this setup to get it to work, than I ever did with (GASP) ViaTalk, in 16 months.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    Quote Originally Posted by digger16309 View Post

    I have now spent more time in 4 days fussing with this setup to get it to work, than I ever did with (GASP) ViaTalk, in 16 months.
    I don't remember your network setup specifically so there may be a reason, but is there any reason you can't connect it directly to the modem? That's what these were designed for and the reason we switched to them. It eliminates 99% of issues.

    I'll also have a developer check tomorrow to see if there is anything that can be done with just hardcoding our DNS servers in so it's not depending on your router to issue them.
    Last edited by VOIPoTim; 11-05-2008 at 06:37 PM.
    Timothy Dick

    Interact with VOIPo: Twitter, Facebook

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Router/GS502 Help!

    sounds defective, no?


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